Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Fate Is Pulling At Our Coat Sleeves

Okay, so I got a bit of a late start here on the New Year but dagnabit, I'm doing it! What is "it" you say? "It" is yet another feeble attempt to keep the creative sauces boiling by starting, and more importantly, maintaining a blog. So I need you, dear reader, to leave comments, send emails and make personal phone calls, reminding me I need to post something at least once a week. Yeah, that's right, I'm asking you to get involved. This isn't gonna be easy, folks. We're all going to have to make a lot of sacrifices. We may even develop a mutual hatred for each other but slamdunkit, we're going to make something out of this blog! So let's put on our boots, pull up our sleeves, and get to work!


  1. Atta boy! You mount Ms Diction and give her some naughty syntax!
